JRL 225 Project Page

A Coffee Shop Tale

This is my final product of A Coffee Shop Tale. I have changed the beginning, added new b-roll at 1:12, and  extended some b-roll at 1:28 and 2:37. A special thank you to Rich Johnson and his employees for allowing me to film them while at work. I had a great time learning about Johnson and his coffee shop.



Johnson’s Story

The Grind’s owner, Rich Johnson, speaks to me about his journey from the West to East Coast and becoming the new owner of Jay’s Daily Grind, in which he renamed The Grind. He did not have the intention of becoming a coffee shop owner, but his love for coffee and getting to know people has become the best job for him.



Taylor Gilkeson’s drink from water fountain.

Gilkeson, WVU student, takes drink from Mountianlair’s water fountain on March 30, 2016.  Gilkeson was parched after an intense day of class.



Interview with Cody Fischer

My interview with Fischer, on March 9, 2016. I interviewed Fisher at St. John’s Parish in downtown Morgantown. Fischer explained his faith and how he became a missionary. He is very passionate about sharing his faith with students at WVU. He is from Nebraska and shortly after graduating he committed to becoming a missionary.



Interview with Taylor Gilkeson

My interview with Gilkeson, on March 2, 2016, was fascinating. I was able to learn about an incident that happened to him when he was in grade school. He shattered his friend’s parents’ brand new television. Fortunately, he made amends with the family and learned his lesson and is now more responsible with other people’s objects. This interview has taught me much of how to ask open-ended questions and how to keep the conversation flowing. I got to learn how to edit audio, the structure of an interview, and what type of questions to ask.



WVU’s Swing Dance Club Valentine’s Dance





A Typical Day as a WVU Students




Texas’ Poverty Percent by County

Screen Shot 2016-01-27 at 5.01.26 PM

This map of Texas shows the percentage of poverty by county. The darker greens indicate a higher percentage of poverty. In the southern point of Texas the poverty percent increases.